Return Order Placed Webhook

This Webhook is only useful for customers using Clickpost’s managed returns platform to accept customer returns on their website

Payload Explanation:

Field NameData TypeDescriptionExample
locationStringThe location of the return order"Stark Tower, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad, 380015"
remarkStringThe remark sent by the"Return Order Placed"
notification_event_idNumThe clickpost notification event code
timestampStringThe timestamp in UTC of the return request"2022-11-09T11:00:48.702402Z"
clickpost_status_codeNumThe clickpost tracking status.
cp_idNumThe carrier partner id25
clickpost_status_bucket_descriptionStringThe description of the clubbed Clickpost Status bucket"Return Order Placed"
waybillStringThe Air Way bill number of the reverse shipment"2667237821710"
clickpost_status_bucketNumIn case Enterprise wants to build a custom UI on top of this API, then they can build logic on top of this field
statusStringStatus of the return request"SUCCESS"
clickpost_status_descriptionStringThe Clickpost tracking status description"Return Order Placed"
additionalJSON ObjectThe additional details for the particular
clickpost_status_bucket_descriptionStringThe description of the clubbed Clickpost Status bucket"Return Order Placed"
clickpost_status_descriptionStringThe Clickpost tracking status description"Return Order Placed"
clickpost_status_bucketNumIn case Enterprise wants to build a custom UI on
remarkStringThe remark sent by the"Return Order Placed"
statusStringStatus of the return request"SUCCESS"
locationStringThe location of the return order"Stark Tower, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad, 380015"
timestampStringThe timestamp in UTC of the return request"2022-11-09T11:00:48.702402Z"
clickpost_status_codeNumThe clickpost tracking status.
is_rvpBooleanWhether the order is reverse or nottrue
notification_event_idNumThe clickpost notification event code
forward_order_idStringThe order ID of the forward shipment"103887038"
self_shippedBooleanWhether the return shipment was self shipped by the customer or notfalse
forward_reference_numberStringThe reference number of the forward shipment"2290664"
item_infoArrayThe details of the item being returned to origin[ {
"sku": "4060981731573",
"quantity": 1,
"return_reason": "Other Reason",
"refund_mode": "Back to source"
skuStringThe Stock Keeping Unit of the Item being returned"4060981731573"
quantityNumThe quantity of the returned item 1

Important Links

API Reference


This is a standard API which applies to all MPS (Multi-Piece Shipment) and SPS (Single Piece Shipment) orders


This is a standard API which supports all shipments created and transported within

  1. India
  2. North America
  3. Europe
  4. Middle East
  5. South East Asia