Non Delivery Report (NDR)

NDR or Non-Delivery Report is a notification shared by carrier companies specifying the orders which could not be delivered in a certain timeframe. When a delivery agent is unable to successfully deliver the order, which might happen for a variety of reasons like “incorrect address” or “customer unavailability”, the order is marked as an NDR.


When a failed delivery first occurs, i.e., the first time a delivery agent is unable to hand over the order to the customer, ecommerce enterprises are notified via an NDR. After this, a carrier will usually perform an agreed-upon number of delivery reattempts to hand over the order. Each reattempt provides another opportunity to fulfill the order, thereby ensuring it is converted into a successful delivery and not an RTO. This entire process of resolving NDR on a large scale is known as NDR management.

The courier partner provides details of all such orders over APIs or in the form of an excel file. Enterprises can then provide instructions on how to deliver the order to ensure a more informed delivery attempt, or ask courier partners to make blind reattempts.


The courier companies generally make 3-5 delivery reattempts before marking the order an RTO (return to origin).

Best NDR management system

The best NDR Management software system should have the following 10 features:

  1. API integrations with courier partners to identify NDR issues in real-time
  2. A text analytics engine to automatically categorise NDR cases into specific buckets
  3. Complete Customer communication platform to seek a response from customers on NDR cases via multiple channels such as email, SMS, Whatsapp, IVRS, etc
  4. Intelligent workflows to drive maximum response from customers on NDR cases (eg. For all 'Address Issues', send an email and SMS to customer seeking their response -> If no response is received in 2 hours, send a Whatsapp message -> If no response is received in 8 hours, send Email, SMS and IVRS call, and so on
  5. NDR API integrations with courier partners to send NDR feedback in real-time
  6. Integrated backend to enable NDR calling team to manually call customers to resolve issues
  7. Rule-based allocation of NDR cases to different NDR calling representatives leading to their specialization (eg. All 'Address Issues' and 'Customer refused delivery' issues are allocated to person X)
  8. Deep Integrations with calling tools, and other internal systems
  9. Fake delivery management system
  10. Complete analytics on the performance of NDR team, 'Reasons for NDR' and 'NDR cases by courier partner'

Clickpost's NDR management system

Clickpost's NDR Management module has been carefully crafted to automate the process of dealing with failed deliveries. ClickPost has deep API integrations with carriers enabling real-time identification and categorization of NDRs. Data is pushed from carriers to Clickpost and ClickPost engine auto-categorises them into 'Address Issue', 'Delivery rescheduled'.

For all exceptions, ClickPost automatically seeks issue-specific responses from shoppers by sending them messages via SMS/Email/Whatsapp/IVRS.

Enterprise can also manually manage NDR cases by calling customers and update reattempt instructions in a single portal.

Clickpost will share the inputs recevied from Enterprise and the customers to courier partners via API or reports in order to ensure a more informed delivery attempt.

This API instructs the courier company to take action on an AWB. Two actions are supported: Re Attempt Delivery, and Initiate Return to Origin