Register shipment for tracking: V3

Using this API enterprises can register an AWB for tracking updates with Clickpost. It takes the AWB number, carrier partner ID, shipment information, pick-up and drop information and additional details as input and returns the Clickpost tracking ID in response.


Register an AWB for tracking updates with Clickpost, given the AWB number, carrier partner ID, shipment information, pick-up and drop information and additional details as input. This applies to shipments created and transported within North America, Europe, the Middle East, South-East Asia, and cross-border shipments.

Run in Postman API Reference


This is a standard API that applies to all MPS (Multi-Piece Shipment) and SPS (Single Piece Shipment) orders


This API is supported globally



Query Parameters

Field NameData TypeFieldDescriptionMax LengthExample
keyStringMandatoryUnique license key for the enterprise user provided by Clickpost100"34be9be5-3de8-4223-ad14-000000000000"

Body Payload

Payload encapsulates details regarding the AWB to be registered, and its details

Field NameData TypeFieldDescriptionMax LengthExample
waybillStringMandatoryAWB to be registered100"TESTAWB00001"
courier_partnerIntegerMandatoryEach carrier partner has a unique identifier (Integer value) in the Clickpost system, which will be used to identify the courier partner and track the shipment. List:
account_codeStringMandatoryCourier partner account name configured on the Clickpost dashboard100"test_account"
shipment_infoObjectOptionalDetails of the shipment to be registered
pickup_infoObjectOptionalDetails for pickup of the shipment
drop_infoObjectOptionalDetails for delivery of the shipment
additionalObjectOptionalAdditional optional fields

Pickup Info (pickup_info)

This object takes in the data for the warehouse/pickup location for the shipment.

Field NameData TypeFieldDescriptionMax LengthExample
latFloatOptionalLatitude of the pickup location45.12211
longFloatOptionalLongitude of the pickup location88.12342
nameStringOptionalContact name of the consignor of the shipment100"John Smith"
addressStringOptionalAddress of the pickup location500"123, ABC Street"
districtStringOptionalDistrict of the pickup location100"Nadia"
cityStringOptionalCity of the pickup location100"Frankfort"
stateStringOptionalState/province of the pickup location100"Ohio"
landmarkStringOptionalLandmarks to help find the pickup location500"Near XYZ Towers"
emailStringOptionalEmail of the pickup contact50"[email protected]"
phoneStringOptionalContact number of the pickup contact11"9876543210"
phone_codeStringOptionalCountry calling codes or country dial-in codes are telephone number prefixes for reaching telephone subscribers in the networks of the member countries or regions of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU)5"+91"
timeStringOptionalTime of pickup for the order (to be provided in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format only)2022-01-10T10:02:33
postal_codeStringOptionalPostal code of the pickup location10"L4YG6C"
country_codeStringOptionalAlpha ISO-2 country code of the pickup location2"CA"

Drop Info (drop_info)

This object takes in the data for the delivery/consignee location for the shipment.

Field NameData TypeFieldDescriptionMax LengthExample
latFloatOptionalLatitude of the drop location45.12211
longFloatOptionalLongitude of the drop location88.12342
nameStringOptionalContact name of the consignee of the shipment100"John Smith"
addressStringOptionalAddress of the drop location500"123, ABC Street"
districtStringOptionalDistrict of the drop location100"Nadia"
cityStringOptionalCity of the drop location100"Frankfort"
stateStringOptionalState/province of the drop location100"Ohio"
landmarkStringOptionalLandmarks to help find the drop location500"Near XYZ Towers"
emailStringOptionalEmail of the drop contact50"[email protected]"
phoneStringOptionalContact number of the drop contact11"9876543210"
timeStringOptionalEstimated time of drop for the order (to be provided in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format only)2022-01-10T10:02:33
postal_codeStringOptionalPostal code of the drop location10"L4YG6C"
country_codeStringOptionalAlpha ISO-2 country code of the drop location2"CA"

Additional Fields (additional)

In the "additional" object optional fields can be passed which may be used by the carrier partner, or give additional details for the order.

Field NameData TypeFieldDescriptionMax LengthExample
order_dateStringOptionalDate of placing the order (in YYYY-MM-DD format)50"2022-10-01"
ship_dateStringOptionalDate of shipping the order (in YYYY-MM-DD format)50"2022-10-01"
language_codeStringOptionalISO 639-2 Code2"eng"
min_eddIntegerOptionalMinimum committed estimated delivery duration (in days) of the shipment5
max_eddIntegerOptionalMaximum committed estimated delivery duration (in days) of the shipment5

Shipment Details (shipment_details)

In the 'shipment_details' field, the details regarding all items, and important order details like payment type, order type, carrier partner, etc. are added.

Field NameData TypeFieldDescriptionMax LengthExample
itemsList[Object]OptionalList of items to be delivered in the shipment. Details of the items explained below.
heightFloatOptionalHeight of the overall package (in cms)25.25
breadthFloatOptionalWidth of the overall package (in cms)45.6
lengthFloatOptionalLength of the overall package (in cms)75.29
weightFloatOptionalWeight of the package (in gms)500.20
reference_numberStringOptionalReference number of the order. Must be unique for every shipment, i.e. every call of this API.100"TestOrder00001"
cod_valueFloatOptionalCash to be given to the carrier (currency to be determined by currency_code). Must be non-zero for COD orders, and zero for PREPAID orders.25.25
order_idStringOptionalID of the order100"TestOrderID00001"
order_typeStringOptionalType of payment of the shipment. Can only take values "COD" or "PREPAID". cod_value must be non-zero for COD shipments and zero for PREPAID shipments.10"COD"/"PREPAID"
invoice_valueFloatOptionalValue of the shipment as mentioned in the invoice.256.29
invoice_dateStringOptionalDate of issuance of the invoice of the shipment. (YYYY-MM-DD format only)1002022-01-10

Item Level details (items)

The details for each item to be delivered is passed in the "items" field, in "shipment_details".

Field NameData TypeFieldDescriptionMax LengthExample
catStringOptionalCategory of the item in question50Footwear
descriptionStringOptionalBrief description of the item500"Brown Cotton Socks - 1 pair"
quantityIntegerOptionalNumber of units of the item5
weightFloatOptionalWeight of each unit of the item500
priceFloatOptionalPrice of each unit of the item (currency to be decided by 'currency_code' field)64.99
manufacture_country_codeStringOptionalAlpha-2 ISO Country code of manufacture of the item2"CA"
manufacture_countryStringOptionalFull country name of manufacture of the item100"Canada"
skuStringOptionalStock-keeping unit of the item100"SKU0001"
return_daysIntegerOptionalNumber of days within which the item can be returned5
exchange_daysIntegerOptionalNumber of days within which the item can be exchanged5
product_urlStringOptionalURL for the product. If there are multiple URLs, they can be sent as a single string with comma-separated values.1000","
imagesStringOptionalURL for the image(s) of the product. If there are multiple URLs, they can be sent as a single string with comma-separated values.1000","
extrasDictOptionalAny custom data, in the key-value pair format, that you wish to send along with the shipment item info. Eg: Brand data, HSN Code etc1000{"brand":"Tesla"}


Field NameData TypeDescription
metaObjectMetadata for the result, e.g. status code, error messages.
resultObjectActual result of the request

Response Meta

Field NameData TypeDescription
statusIntegerStatus code of the response (including, but not limited to HTTP Status codes)
messageStringError message (if any errors) for the request.
successBooleanWhether the request is successful or not.

Response Result

Field NameData TypeDescription
tracking_idIntegerTracking ID of the newly registered waybill stored in our database.
security_keyStringUUID string for the security key of the order

Sample Request

      "order_id":"order_id of the shipment",
            "images":"<Image URL>",
               "cat":"Electronic Vehicle"
      "email":"[email protected]",
      "address":"Some Address",
      "email":"[email protected]",
      "address":"ABCD TOWERS",

Sample Response

    "meta": {
        "status": 200,
        "message": "Success",
        "success": true
    "result": {
        "tracking_id": 491179766,
        "security_key": "067238b4-7e55-4d4d-92d1-1a72028e5b64"
    "meta": {
        "status": 303,
        "message": "Waybill already registered",
        "success": false
    "result": {
        "tracking_id": 267984163,
        "security_key": "37317af1-f3c3-4c41-b563-99b5c601e59d"
    "meta": {
        "status": 353,
        "message": "Clickpost Account: Inactive",
        "success": false