Gateway: MessageBird for SMS

Now Clickpost customers can send shipping updates via SMS using the MessageBird integration

Step 1: Go to Home > Settings > Notifications > SMS > Gateway and select Message Bird and click on integrate

Step 2: Enter the api_key (this can be found on the MessageBird dashboard on the top right corner) and enter the originator (this can be found under the registered originator section on the MessageBird dashboard). In the from section enter null and press Submit

Step 3: Go to the relevant notification milestone that you wish to send to your end customer and click on "Add New +"

Step 3: Select the order type for which you want to send the notification, select the language, enter the "Template ID" as null, select the carrier accounts.

Under Template, paste the template from the MessageBird dashboard, and replace the variable with the tags available on the right hand side