NPR status code

Pickup failure status codes and their description

NPR Status CodeNPR Description
1Customer unreachable
2Cancelled by customer
3QC failed
5Quantity mismatch
6Pickup rescheduled
7Out of service area
8Max attempts reached
9Not attempted
11Product not ready
13Address issue
14Customer not available


  1. Unreachable: courier tried reaching out to customer but customer was not reachable
  2. Cancelled by customer: Customer at pickup location asked courier to cancel the request
  3. QC failed: courier went to pickup at the pickup location but found the product not the same as what they are told to pickup. This bucket will have all the reasons due to which couriers are not picking the shipment that customer is handing them over
  4. Pickup rescheduled: customer asked for pickup at a future date
  5. Out of service area: courier found that the pickup location is not under their serviceable areas
  6. Max attempts reached: courier marked shipment as out for pickup but realised that its maximum attempts are exhausted
  7. Not attempted: Shipment marked out for pickup but not attempted in the day
  8. Product not ready: courier marked shipment out for pickup but product was not ready at the time of pickup so pickup failed
  9. Address issue: courier could not locate the pickup address and needs additional information of the address to do the pickup