Brand Net Promoter Score

Clickpost has introduced a new NPS system, allowing enterprises to gauge brand NPS and comprehend the customer shopping experience

Our new brand-level NPS question allows our enterprise customers to measure the overall sentiment of their end customers towards their brand. This valuable feedback provides insights into customer satisfaction and loyalty, enabling our customers to better understand how their brand is perceived in the market.

In addition to the brand-level NPS, we have also included four new rating questions that focus on areas such as

  1. Product quality
  2. Quality of packaging
  3. Shopping experience
  4. Delivery experience.


The rating questions can we personalised according to the enterprise's need

These questions are designed to help our enterprise customers capture specific feedback on these key aspects of their customer's experience, enabling them to identify areas for improvement and make informed decisions to enhance their products and services


We are excited to empower our enterprise customers with these enhanced NPS features, which will enable them to capture comprehensive feedback from their end customers and make data-driven decisions to optimize their business strategies.

How is NPS Calculated by Clickpost?

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a trusted metric to gauge overall customer satisfaction and loyalty. Let's dive into its calculation:

NPS Calculation Breakdown:

Detractors (0-6): These are customers who might not have had an optimal experience and are unlikely to promote the brand or might even discourage others.

Passive (7-8): These customers had a satisfactory experience but aren't enthusiastically positive. They're neutral and might switch to competitors if given a better offer.

Promoters (9-10): The happiest segment of customers. They are most likely to recommend your services/products to others and are vital for organic growth.


Example for an E-commerce Brand on Clickpost which got 100 responses:

10 responses rate their experience in the 0–6 bracket, marking them as Detractors.

20 responses place their experience in the 7–8 bracket, categorizing them as Passive.
The remaining 70 responses assign their experience a score within the 9–10 bracket, making them Promoters.
From these numbers:

Detractors represent 10%.
Passive account for 20%.
Promoters make up a whopping 70%.
To determine the NPS for FurnitureHub:

NPS = Percentage of Promoters - Percentage of Detractors
NPS = 70% (Promoters) - 10% (Detractors)
NPS = 60%

How to interpret the NPS Score

NPS Score Breakdown:

-100 to 0: This indicates more detractors than promoters. A negative score means that improvements are needed as more customers are dissatisfied.

0: A neutral point. Equal numbers of promoters and detractors.

1 to +50: Considered a good score. It indicates that you have more promoters than detractors. The higher the score within this range, the better.

+50 to +70: This is a great score, showing a strong level of customer loyalty and satisfaction.

+70 to +100: An exceptional score. Indicates world-class customer satisfaction and loyalty. Very few companies achieve and maintain a score in this range.

Detractors (0-6): Customers who may not be satisfied and are less likely to recommend your brand. They might even discourage others.

Passive (7-8): Neutral customers who are satisfied but not enthusiastic. They are vulnerable to competitive offerings.

Promoters (9-10): Loyal enthusiasts who will refer others, fueling growth.

Actionable Insights: More than the score itself, the feedback that comes with it is invaluable. Understand the reasons behind the scores. Why did detractors give low scores? What made promoters give high scores? This feedback will provide actionable insights to improve services and products. You can find this in the Feedback column under the New NPS on the Clickpost Dashboard

Temporal Analysis: It's beneficial to track NPS over time. A rising score indicates improving customer loyalty and satisfaction, while a dropping score signals potential problems.

How does the NPS question look on the tracking page


Only the first NPS rating question is compulsory. Once the customer provided the rating and exits the page, an NPS entry will be created in the system.

NPS Report Format

You can download the NPS report from the Customer Rating AWB wise section

Order IDAWBAccount NameAverage RatingProduct QualityDelivery ExperienceShopping ExperiencePackaging QualityFeedbackCustomer NameCustomer Phone NumberCustomer EmailNPS RatingCreated At
# 1232333390348Delhivery55555The item was great!Umar9898989898[email protected]102023-09-01 02:12:02.243536+00:00