Create Order: India

This API takes the shipment details, drop information, pickup information and creates an order with specified carrier partner. Works only for shipments created and transported within India.

Sample Payload for SPS

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		"pickup_time": "2022-10-271T11:52:36+04:00",
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			"district": "Mumbai City",
			"landmark": null,
			"pincode": "400065",
			"country": "IN"
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		"pickup_city": "Mumbai",
		"pickup_long": 55.255369,
		"pickup_name": "TEST DO NOT PICKUP",
		"pickup_time": "2022-10-27T11:52:36",
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		"pickup_phone": "1234567890",
		"pickup_state": "Maharashtra",
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		"pickup_landmark": "Near XYZ Towers",
		"pickup_pincode": "400065",
		"pickup_country": "IN",
		"tin": "TIN000001",
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			"sku": "53813",
			"price": 249.29,
			"weight": 500,
			"hs_code": "6405.10.00",
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		"exchange_state": "Delhi",
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		"exchange_shipment_description": "Exchanged due to defective product",
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            "return_state": "Maharashtra",
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            "return_district": "Mumbai City",
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            "return_country": "IN"
      	"async": true,
      	"label": true,
      	"vendor_code": "ABC"
  	"gst_info": {
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        "cgst_tax_rate": 100

Sample Payload for MPS

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                    "cgst_tax_rate": "9",
                    "gst_total_tax": "16772.4",
                    "igst_tax_rate": "18",
                    "sgst_tax_rate": "9",
                    "taxable_value": "46590",
                    "consignee_gstin": "09AAACH2702H1ZY",
                    "place_of_supply": "09",
                    "enterprise_gstin": "34AACCA1237A1ZK",
                    "ewaybill_serial_number": "NA",
                    "is_seller_registered_under_gst": true
                "quantity": 1,
                "description": "box1",
              	"brand": "XYZ",
              	"color": "green",
              	"size": "6x6",
              	"serial_no": "25",
              	"imei": "AA-BBBBBB-CCCCCC-D",
              	"ean": "EAN123456",
              	"sub_category": "Towel"
                "sku": "5W.50664.658",
                "price": "550",
                "height": "53",
                "images": null,
                "length": "39",
                "weight": "500",
                "breadth": "12",
              	"additional": {
                    "manufacture_country": "Italy",
                    "manufacture_country_code": "IT",
                    "cat": "Footwear",
                    "images": "",
                    "product_url": ",",
                    "return_days": 2,
                    "exchange_days": 2,
                    "length": 25,
                    "width": 15,
                    "height": 11,
                    "brand": "Tod's",
                    "color": "blue",
                    "size": "39.5",
                    "serial_no": "25",
                    "imei": "AA-BBBBBB-CCCCCC-D",
                    "ean": "EAN123456",
                    "sub_category": "Flats",
                    "return_reason": "ABCD"
                "gst_info": {
                    "hsn_code": "84713010",
                    "cgst_amount": "4193.1",
                    "igst_amount": "8386.2",
                    "sgst_amount": "4193.1",
                    "gst_discount": "0",
                    "seller_gstin": "34AACCA1237A1ZK",
                    "cgst_tax_rate": "9",
                    "gst_total_tax": "16772.4",
                    "igst_tax_rate": "18",
                    "sgst_tax_rate": "9",
                    "taxable_value": "46590",
                    "consignee_gstin": "09AAACH2702H1ZY",
                    "place_of_supply": "09",
                    "enterprise_gstin": "34AACCA1237A1ZK",
                    "ewaybill_serial_number": "NA",
                    "is_seller_registered_under_gst": true
                "quantity": 1,
                "description": "box2",
              	"brand": "XYZ",
              	"color": "yellow",
              	"size": "6x6",
              	"serial_no": "25",
              	"imei": "AA-BBBBBB-CCCCCC-D",
              	"ean": "EAN123456",
              	"sub_category": "Towel"
        "height": 13,
        "length": 23,
        "weight": 1000,
        "breadth": 31,
        "order_id": "TESTORDER0001",
        "cod_value": 50,
        "order_type": "COD",
        "invoice_date": "2022-06-21",
        "delivery_type": "FORWARD",
        "invoice_value": 468.58,
        "invoice_number": "TLC-2022-06-WS-00038",
        "courier_partner": 129,
        "reference_number": "TESTORDER000001",
        "account_code": "test"
    "additional": {
        "return_info": {
            "return_lat": 25.1414664,
            "return_city": "Mumbai",
            "return_long": 55.255369,
            "return_name": "TEST DO NOT RETURN",
            "return_email": "[email protected]",
            "return_phone": "1234567890",
            "return_state": "Maharashtra",
            "return_address": "123, ABC St",
            "return_district": "Mumbai City",
            "return_landmark": null,
            "return_pincode": "400065",
            "return_country": "IN"
        "async": false,
        "label": true,
      	"vendor_code": "ABC",
      	"rvp_reason": "Cancelled",
        "qc_type": "doorstep"
    "gst_info": {
        "seller_gstin": "1234",
        "taxable_value": 100,
        "ewaybill_serial_number": "2345677",
        "is_seller_registered_under_gst": false,
        "sgst_tax_rate": 100,
        "place_of_supply": "DELHI",
        "gst_discount": 0,
        "hsn_code": "1234",
        "sgst_amount": 100,
        "enterprise_gstin": "13",
        "gst_total_tax": 100,
        "igst_amount": 100,
        "cgst_amount": 200,
        "gst_tax_base": 200,
        "consignee_gstin": "1233",
        "igst_tax_rate": 100,
        "cgst_tax_rate": 100
    "drop_info": {
        "drop_lat": 0,
        "drop_city": "Mumbai",
        "drop_long": 0,
        "drop_name": "dsadsad sadsad",
        "drop_email": "[email protected]",
        "drop_phone": "9876543210",
        "drop_state": "Maharashtra",
        "drop_address": "123 ABC St",
        "drop_district": "Mumbai City",
        "drop_landmark": null,
        "drop_pincode": "400065",
        "drop_country": "IN",
      	"drop_address_type": "OFFICE"
    "pickup_info": {
        "pickup_lat": 25.1414664,
        "pickup_city": "Mumbai",
        "pickup_long": 55.255369,
        "pickup_name": "TEST DO NOT PICKUP",
        "pickup_time": "2022-10-271T11:52:36+04:00",
        "pickup_email": "[email protected]",
        "pickup_phone": "1234567890",
        "pickup_state": "Maharashtra",
        "pickup_address": "123, ABC St",
        "pickup_district": "Mumbai City",
        "pickup_landmark": null,
        "pickup_pincode": "400065",
        "pickup_country": "IN",
      	"pickup_address_type": "RESIDENTIAL"
    "shipment_details": {
        "items": [
                "sku": "UN.VPKSI.068",
                "price": "46590",
                "height": "29",
                "images": null,
                "length": "46",
                "weight": "2600",
                "breadth": "7",
                "gst_info": {
                    "hsn_code": "84713010",
                    "cgst_amount": "4193.1",
                    "igst_amount": "8386.2",
                    "sgst_amount": "4193.1",
                    "gst_discount": "0",
                    "seller_gstin": "34AACCA1237A1ZK",
                    "cgst_tax_rate": "9",
                    "gst_total_tax": "16772.4",
                    "igst_tax_rate": "18",
                    "sgst_tax_rate": "9",
                    "taxable_value": "46590",
                    "consignee_gstin": "09AAACH2702H1ZY",
                    "place_of_supply": "09",
                    "enterprise_gstin": "34AACCA1237A1ZK",
                    "ewaybill_serial_number": "NA",
                    "is_seller_registered_under_gst": true
                "quantity": 1,
                "description": "box1"
                "sku": "5W.50664.658",
                "price": "550",
                "height": "53",
                "images": null,
                "length": "39",
                "weight": "500",
                "breadth": "12",
                "gst_info": {
                    "hsn_code": "84713010",
                    "cgst_amount": "4193.1",
                    "igst_amount": "8386.2",
                    "sgst_amount": "4193.1",
                    "gst_discount": "0",
                    "seller_gstin": "34AACCA1237A1ZK",
                    "cgst_tax_rate": "9",
                    "gst_total_tax": "16772.4",
                    "igst_tax_rate": "18",
                    "sgst_tax_rate": "9",
                    "taxable_value": "46590",
                    "consignee_gstin": "09AAACH2702H1ZY",
                    "place_of_supply": "09",
                    "enterprise_gstin": "34AACCA1237A1ZK",
                    "ewaybill_serial_number": "NA",
                    "is_seller_registered_under_gst": true
                "quantity": 1,
                "description": "box2"
        "height": 13,
        "length": 23,
        "weight": 1000,
        "breadth": 31,
        "order_id": "TESTORDER0001",
        "cod_value": 50,
        "order_type": "COD",
        "invoice_date": "2022-06-21",
        "delivery_type": "FORWARD",
        "invoice_value": 468.58,
        "invoice_number": "TLC-2022-06-WS-00038",
        "courier_partner": 129,
        "reference_number": "TESTORDER000001",
        "account_code": "test"
    "additional": {
        "return_info": {
            "return_lat": 25.1414664,
            "return_city": "Mumbai",
            "return_long": 55.255369,
            "return_name": "TEST DO NOT RETURN",
            "return_email": "[email protected]",
            "return_phone": "1234567890",
            "return_state": "Maharashtra",
            "return_address": "123, ABC St",
            "return_district": "Mumbai City",
            "return_landmark": null,
            "return_pincode": "400065",
            "return_country": "IN"
        "async": true,
        "label": true,
      	"vendor_code": "ABC"
    "gst_info": {
        "seller_gstin": "1234",
        "taxable_value": 100,
        "ewaybill_serial_number": "2345677",
        "is_seller_registered_under_gst": false,
        "sgst_tax_rate": 100,
        "place_of_supply": "DELHI",
        "gst_discount": 0,
        "hsn_code": "1234",
        "sgst_amount": 100,
        "enterprise_gstin": "13",
        "gst_total_tax": 100,
        "igst_amount": 100,
        "cgst_amount": 200,
        "gst_tax_base": 200,
        "consignee_gstin": "1233",
        "igst_tax_rate": 100,
        "cgst_tax_rate": 100

Sample Response for SPS

We can either get a 200 (OK) or a 400 (Bad Request) error as follows

    "result": {
        "waybill": "ABCD0000001",
        "reference_number": "TESTORDER00001",
        "label": "",
        "courier_partner_id": 123,
        "courier_name": "Test Courier",
        "sort_code": null,
        "order_id": 147175531,
        "security_key": "4d36d09c-53b3-49f3-beb3-4eb8f884f941",
        "tracking_id": 487501569
    "meta": {
        "status": 200,
        "success": true,
        "message": "Order Placed Successfully"
    "meta": {
        "status": 400,
        "message": "Error Message",
        "success": false
    "order_id": 8488863,  
    "result": {  
        "waybill": null,  
        "sort_code": null,  
        "security_key": null,  
        "label": null,  
        "reference_number": "TEST-ALPHA-132135"  
    "meta": {  
        "message": "We are processing your order",  
        "success": false,  
        "status": 102  
    "meta": {  
        "success": true,  
        "message": "Order Placed Successfully",  
        "status": 202  
    "order_id": 8488542,  
    "result": {  
        "reference_number": "TEST-ALPHA-132135",  
        "waybill": null,  
        "label": null,  
        "sort_code": null  

Sample Response for MPS

        "message":"Order Placed Successfully",
                        "hsn_code": "84713010",
                        "cgst_amount": "4193.1",
                        "igst_amount": "8386.2",
                        "sgst_amount": "4193.1",
                        "gst_discount": "0",
                        "seller_gstin": "34AACCA1237A1ZK",
                        "cgst_tax_rate": "9",
                        "gst_total_tax": "16772.4",
                        "igst_tax_rate": "18",
                        "sgst_tax_rate": "9",
                        "taxable_value": "46590",
                        "consignee_gstin": "09AAACH2702H1ZY",
                        "place_of_supply": "09",
                        "enterprise_gstin": "34AACCA1237A1ZK",
                        "ewaybill_serial_number": "NA",
                        "is_seller_registered_under_gst": true
                        "hsn_code": "84713010",
                        "cgst_amount": "4193.1",
                        "igst_amount": "8386.2",
                        "sgst_amount": "4193.1",
                        "gst_discount": "0",
                        "seller_gstin": "34AACCA1237A1ZK",
                        "cgst_tax_rate": "9",
                        "gst_total_tax": "16772.4",
                        "igst_tax_rate": "18",
                        "sgst_tax_rate": "9",
                        "taxable_value": "46590",
                        "consignee_gstin": "09AAACH2702H1ZY",
                        "place_of_supply": "09",
                        "enterprise_gstin": "34AACCA1237A1ZK",
                        "ewaybill_serial_number": "NA",
                        "is_seller_registered_under_gst": true
        "order_id": "1383554",
        "sort_code": "NDA/NDO",
        "courier_name": "Bluedart",
        "security_key": "d410db64-6033-4601-8a24-6c6ba440888f",
        "token_number": "14786970",
        "DestinationArea": "NDA",
        "reference_number": "PYSI22050862",
        "courier_partner_id": 129,
        "DestinationLocation": "NDO"
    "meta": {
        "status": 400,
        "message": "Error Message",
        "success": false
    "order_id": 8488863,  
    "result": {  
        "waybill": null,  
        "sort_code": null,  
        "security_key": null,  
        "label": null,  
        "reference_number": "TEST-ALPHA-132135"  
    "meta": {  
        "message": "We are processing your order",  
        "success": false,  
        "status": 102  
    "meta": {  
        "success": true,  
        "message": "Order Placed Successfully",  
        "status": 202  
    "order_id": 8488542,  
    "result": {  
        "reference_number": "TEST-ALPHA-132135",  
        "waybill": null,  
        "label": null,  
        "sort_code": null  


The payload will consist of the following fields:

Field NameData TypeFieldDescriptionMax LengthExample
pickup_infoObjectMandatoryInformation for where the shipment will be picked up by the carrier
drop_infoObjectMandatoryInformation for where the shipment will be delivered by the carrier
shipment_detailsObjectMandatoryInformation about the shipment itself
additionalObjectOptionalAdditional optional information about the shipment

Pickup Info (pickup_info)

This mandatory object takes in the data for the warehouse/pickup location for the shipment.

Field NameData TypeFieldDescription
pickup_latFloatConditional Mandatory*Latitude of the pickup location. To review conditional mandatory refer to this doc here
pickup_longFloatConditional Mandatory*Longitude of the pickup location
pickup_nameStringMandatoryContact name of the consignor of the shipment
pickup_addressStringMandatoryAddress of the pickup location
pickup_districtStringOptionalDistrict of the pickup location
pickup_cityStringMandatoryCity of the pickup location
pickup_stateStringMandatoryState/province of the pickup location
pickup_landmarkStringOptionalLandmarks to help find the pickup location
emailStringMandatoryEmail of the pickup contact
pickup_phoneStringMandatoryContact number of the pickup contact
pickup_timeStringMandatoryTime of pickup for the order (to be provided in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format only)
pickup_pincodeStringMandatory6-digit Pin code of the pickup location
pickup_countryStringMandatoryAlpha ISO-2 country code of the pickup location. Only "IN" is accepted as input.
tinStringMandatoryTaxpayer Identification Number (TIN) of the seller. In case the TIN is not available, the user may choose to enter the seller's GST number instead.
pickup_address_typeStringOptionalAddress type of the pickup address. Must be either OFFICE or RESIDENTIAL

Drop Info (drop_info)

This mandatory object takes in the data for the delivery/consignee location for the shipment.

Field NameData TypeFieldDescription
drop_latFloatOptionalLatitude of the drop location
drop_longFloatOptionalLongitude of the drop location
drop_nameStringMandatoryContact name of the consignee of the shipment
drop_addressStringMandatoryAddress of the drop location
drop_districtStringOptionalDistrict of the drop location
drop_cityStringMandatoryCity of the drop location
drop_stateStringMandatoryState/province of the drop location
drop_landmarkStringOptionalLandmarks to help find the drop location
drop_emailStringOptionalEmail of the drop contact
drop_phoneStringMandatoryContact number of the drop contact
drop_timeStringOptionalEstimated time of drop for the order (to be provided in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format only)
drop_pincodeStringMandatory6-digit Pin code of the drop location
drop_countryStringMandatoryAlpha ISO-2 country code of the drop location. Only "IN" is accepted as input.
drop_address_typeStringOptionalAddress type of the drop address. Must be either OFFICE or RESIDENTIAL
drop_vendor_codeStringOptionalHub code of the drop address (if the drop address is a warehouse)

Additional Fields (additional)

In the "additional" object optional fields can be passed which may be used by the carrier, or give additional details for the order, e.g. Async/Sync order creation or whether label generation is needed.

Field NameData TypeFieldDescription
asyncBooleanOptionalWhether the order will be placed asynchronously (in the background) or not (in real-time). Defaults to false. Please read the section "Processing Async Requests" for how async requests work.
labelBooleanOptionalWhether label is required for the order or not. Defaults to true.
zoneStringOptionalZone of the location of pickup
min_eddIntegerOptionalMinimum estimated due date (in days) for delivery of the shipment
max_eddIntegerOptionalMaximum estimated due date (in days) for delivery of the shipment
invoice_base_64StringOptionalA Base64 string representation of the invoice document file
is_multi_sellerBooleanConditionalRequired for multi-seller shipments only. Denotes whether the shipment has multiple items, each with different GST numbers. Defaults to false
vendor_codeStringOptionalVendor code of pickup location. Not supported for all carriers
qc_typeString/NullOptionalOnly applicable for RVP. Should be set to doorstep if the carrier needs to do a quality check for the item, otherwise null.
rvp_reasonStringConditionalReason for returning the product/failed delivery. Mandatory if delivery_type is RVP.
order_dateStringOptionalDate when the order was placed for this shipment. To be provided in YYYY-MM-DD format only
estimated_delivery_dateDateOptionalThe date of estimated delivery has been shared with the customer. This field can be used to measure carrier performance by comparing it with the actual date of delivery in the Clickpost reports
To be provided in YYYY-MM-DD format only

Return Info (return_info)

In the optionalreturn_info object, the details for the return address is to be provided. The details are particularly useful in case of a failed delivery or product return due to other reasons.

Field NameData TypeFieldDescription
latFloatOptionalLatitude of the return location
longFloatOptionalLongitude of the return location
nameStringMandatoryContact name of the return contact of the shipment
addressStringMandatoryAddress of the return location
districtStringOptionalDistrict of the return location
cityStringMandatoryCity of the return location
stateStringMandatoryState/province of the return location
landmarkStringOptionalLandmarks to help find the return location
emailStringOptionalEmail of the return contact
phoneStringMandatoryContact number of the return contact
pincodeStringMandatory6-digit Pin code of the return location
countryStringMandatoryAlpha ISO-2 country code of the return location. Only "IN" is accepted as input.

Shipment Details (shipment_details)

In the 'shipment_details' field, the details regarding all items, and important order details like payment type, order type, carrier, etc. are added.

Field NameData TypeFieldDescription
itemsListck:paramMandatoryList of items to be delivered in the shipment. Details of the items explained below.
account_codeStringMandatoryCourier partner account name configured on the Clickpost dashboard. Will return a 400 Bad Request response if the given account is inactive or does not exist.
heightFloatMandatoryHeight of the overall package (in cms)
breadthFloatMandatoryBreadth of the overall package (in cms)
lengthFloatMandatoryLength of the overall package (in cms)
weightFloatMandatoryWeight of the package (in gms)
courier_partnerIntegerMandatoryPartner ID of the desired carrier. Refer to List of carriers supported by Clickpost to get the partner ID.
reference_numberStringMandatoryReference number of the order. Must be unique for every shipment, i.e. every call of this API.

Note: For Bluedart, the reference number should not go beyond 20 characters, or else the AWB generation will fail
cod_valueFloatConditional MandatoryCash to be given to the carrier (currency to be determined by currency_code). Must be non-zero for COD orders, and zero for PREPAID orders.
order_idStringOptionalIdentification string for the order
order_typeStringMandatoryType of payment of the shipment. Can only take values "COD", "EXCHANGE" or "PREPAID". cod_value must be non-zero for COD shipments and zero for PREPAID shipments. "EXCHANGE" is only applicable for Delhivery (Partner ID: 4) and Bluedart (Partner ID: 5)
delivery_typeStringMandatoryType of delivery to be done. Can only take values "FORWARD" or "RVP".
invoice_valueFloatMandatoryValue of the shipment as mentioned in the invoice.
invoice_dateStringMandatoryDate of issuance of the invoice of the shipment. (YYYY-MM-DD format only)
awb_numberStringConditional MandatoryThe airwaybill number of the shipment.

Mandatory for the following couriers
- Shadowfax Forward (Partner ID: 9)
- Fareye (Partner ID: 31)
- Gati (Partner ID: 32)
- SELF Reverse (Partner ID: 34)
- SELF (Partner ID: 35)
- Gati MPS (Partner ID: 71)
- Holisol Reverse (Partner ID: 77)
- Trackon (Partner ID: 80)
- Sicepat (Partner ID: 116)
- Ithink Logistics (Partner ID: 170)
- Swftbox (Partner ID: 202)
- KerryIndev MPS (Partner ID: 259)


Reference Number should not exceed 20 characters

For Bluedart, the reference number should not go beyond 20 characters, or else the AWB generation will fail

Item Level details (items)

The details for each item to be delivered is passed in the "items" field, in "shipment_details".

Field NameData TypeFieldDescription
descriptionStringMandatoryBrief description of the item
quantityIntegerMandatoryNumber of units of the item
weightFloatMandatoryWeight of each unit of the item
priceFloatMandatoryNon-negative price of each unit of the item (currency to be decided by 'currency_code' field)
gst_infoObjectConditionalRequired for multi-seller shipments
Information regarding the GST levied on the item. GST Info to be passed will have the same fields as thegst_infofield mentioned below.
final_amount_paidStringOptionalThe Final amount that the customer has paid for the item after deducting store credits, discounts, vouchers etc
store_credits_usedStringOptionalThe store credits used to purchase the item
product_idStringConditional OptionalNeeded only if customer has subscribed for Exchanges platform (Currently only supported for Shopify)

Product ID of the item in Shopify storefront
variant_idStringConditional OptionalNeeded only if customer has subscribed for Exchanges platform (Currently only supported for Shopify)

Variant ID of the item (mentioned in product_id) in Shopify storefront

The item's additional object can have the following fields:

Field NameData TypeFieldDescription
catStringOptionalCategory of the item in question
manufacture_country_codeStringOptionalAlpha-2 ISO Country code of manufacture of the item
manufacture_countryStringOptionalFull country name of manufacture of the item
skuStringOptionalStock-keeping unit of the item
return_daysIntegerOptionalNumber of days within which the item can be returned
exchange_daysIntegerOptionalNumber of days within which the item can be exchanged
product_urlStringOptionalURL for the product. If there are multiple URLs, they can be sent as a single string with comma-separated values.
imagesStringOptionalURL for the image(s) of the product. If there are multiple URLs, they can be sent as a single string with comma-separated values.
colorStringConditional OptionalColour of the item Applicable for quality checking for RVP shipments
sub_categoryStringConditional OptionalCategory the item's type is classified in Applicable for quality checking for RVP shipments
sizeStringConditional OptionalSize of the item
Applicable for quality checking for RVP shipments
brandStringConditional OptionalBrand of the item
Applicable for quality checking for RVP shipments
return_reasonStringConditional OptionalReason for returning the item
Applicable for quality checking for RVP shipments
special_instructionsStringConditional OptionalSpecial Instructions for returning the item
Applicable for quality checking for RVP shipments
imeiStringConditional OptionalIMEI number of the item (if it is a mobile device)
Applicable for quality checking for RVP shipments
eanStringConditional OptionalEAN Number of the item
Applicable for quality checking for RVP shipments

GST Info (gst_info)

This object encapsulates every information about the Goods and Services Tax (GST) levied on the shipment, and all it's requisite details, e.g. GST Number, EWaybill Number, etc.

FieldData TypeFieldDescription
enterprise_gstin StringOptionalGST No of enterprise shipping the shipment
seller_gstin StringOptionalGST No of seller sending the shipment (will be different from above for marketplaces)
taxable_value FloatOptionalTaxable amount for GST (in INR)
ewaybill_serial_number StringOptionalEWaybill Serial Number for the shipment
is_seller_registered_under_gst BooleanOptionalWhether the enterprise/seller is registered under the GST law
place_of_supply StringOptionalPlace of supply of the service or product. Please refer to
for further details
gst_discountFloatOptionalDiscount under GST, if any
hsn_codeStringOptionalHarmonized System Nomenclature Code of the product. Please refer to for knowing the code for your products.
gst_total_taxFloatOptionalTotal GST applicable for the shipment (in INR)
sgst_tax_rateFloatOptionalTax percent applicable for SGST for the shipment
sgst_amountFloatOptionalSGST Amount levied on the shipment (in INR)
igst_tax_rateFloatOptionalTax percent applicable for IGST for the shipment
igst_amountFloatOptionalIGST Amount levied on the shipment (in INR)
cgst_tax_rateFloatOptionalTax percent applicable for CGST for the shipment
cgst_amountFloatOptionalCGST Amount levied on the shipment (in INR)
consignee_gstinStringConditionalGST No of consignee (compulsory for B2B shipments)


The response typically consists of the following fields. Keep in mind that additional fields can be present according to the requirement of the enterprise/carrier.

Field NameData TypeDescription
metaObjectMetadata for the request, e.g. status code, error messages.
resultObjectActual result of the request
order_idIntegerOrder ID of the request
tracking_idIntegerA special ID of the request used for tracking

Response Meta

Field NameData TypeDescription
statusIntegerStatus code for the request (including but not limited to HTTP Status codes)
messageStringError/Success messages for the request
successBooleanWhether the order was successfully created or not

Response Result

Field NameData TypeDescription
waybillStringWaybill of the newly created order. This waybill is automatically registered for tracking in our database
reference_numberStringReference number of the order, sent in the payload.
labelString/NullURL to the generated label of the order. If labels are not needed, this stays null.
commercial_invoice_urlString(Appears for certain carriers) URL to the generated commercial invoice of the order
courier_partner_idIntegerID of the carrier
courier_nameStringName of the carrier
sort_codeString/NullCarrier Sort code. Certain carriers use something called a sort code that can be passed to the shipping label for custom-built labels. Will return null if sort codes are not supported.
security_keyStringUUID security key of the order that needs to be stored at the enterprise's end.
childrenObject(Only for MPS responses) A list of item objects, with details of each item

Possible Error Codes

These are the list of possible error/status codes that can appear in the response metadata, and the actionables corresponding to each.

Meta Status CodeHTTP Status CodeDescriptionActionableOrder Successful?Status Message
102200For async orders: The order has been recorded in Clickpost's database and is under processing.Need to re-attempt Clickpost's order creation API to check if the order has been processed.No"
200200The order is successfully createdNoneYes"Success"
202200For async orders: The async order request has been successfully registered.Need to poll the same API endpoint with the same reference number (the one used to register the order) to get the results of the request.Order may succeed or fail"Order Registered Successfully"
301200The customer is sending an invalid/non-existent/inactive license key in the URL parametersNeed to re-attempt the order with a valid/registered/active license key, or check the username.No"Authentication Failed: Invalid Token or API Key"
302200Either of the three things:
- The customer is sending the courier_partner value as a string
- The customer is sending a null value in the courier_partner field.
- The partner ID being sent in courier_partner field does not exist.
Need to re-attempt the order with a valid integer value in the courier_partner field, and the value should exist in Clickpost's database.No"Invalid Courier Partner Id with Field courier_partner"
303200For async orders: The awb_number provided already exists and is registered by ClickpostNeed to re-attempt the order with a different awb_number value.Yes"Waybill already registered"
307200Theorder_type value is anything other than PREPAID, COD or EXCHANGE, or is null.Need to re-attempt the order with the order_type as either PREPAID, COD or EXCHANGE.No"You have entered invalid Order Type"
309200Thedelivery_type value is anything other than FORWARD or RVP.Need to re-attempt the order with the delivery_type as either FORWARD or RVP.No"Invalid Delivery Type"
310200In case of RVP orders: This is due to either of the following
- The rvp_reason field is missing
- The rvp_reason length is more than 500 characters.
Need to re-attempt the RVP order with a non-null rvp_reason value within 500 characters.No"RVP reason is missing" or "RVP reason can't be more than 500 chars"
311200For RVP orders: The carrier defined by the courier_partner field does not support RVP shipments, or is not an RVP carrier.Need to re-attempt the RVP order with a courier_partner value that supports RVP shipments.No"Invalid Courier Partner For RVP"
312200There is no item data in the payload (in the item field).Need to retry the order with a non-empty items array.No"Items Data is missing from order details"
313200Either of the following:
- The item data being sent in the items field is either a string or any other invalid format.
- The items value is an array, but of anything other than objects.
- The items value is an array of objects, but one or more mandatory fields are missing for one or more items.
Need to retry the order with proper items data, as an array of JSON objects.No"Invalid Format of items for Order data"
314200There is an issue with the order data being passed.The error is captured in the status message. Retry the order after addressing the status message.No"Invalid Format of items for Order data: "
315200Either of the following:
- For a PREPAID order, the cod_value is non-zero.
- For a COD order, the cod_value is zero.
Need to retry the orders after:
- (For PREPAID orders) setting the cod_value to zero.
- (For COD orders) setting the cod_value to a non-zero number
No"Invalid Cod Value"
316200There are no credentials for the carrier of the account given in account_code, or the credentials are blank.Need to re-attempt the order with a different account_code, or fill the credential fields in the dashboard and retry.No"You do not have credentials for the Courier Partner"
319200There is an issue in placing orders with the carrier.The actual error generally pops up alongside the error message (see Status Message). In cases where the error message is vague, contact the support team.No"Error In Order Placing To Courier Partner: "
320200The enterprise has not subscribed for Clickpost's Order Creation Service.Need to subscribe to the order creation service, then retry with all valid details and credentials.No"This service is not subscribed by you"
321200The awb provided in the awb_number field does not exist in Clickpost's database.Need to provide a registered AWB, or remove the AWB field and try again.No"Awb Number Does not exist in system for courier partner"
322200There is an issue in the carrier's servers.Need to retry after waiting for a while, or get in touch with Clickpost support or the carrier's support.No"Internal Server Error In Courier Partners Server"
323200An order is already present in Clickpost's database with the same reference number as the one provided.Need to re-attempt the order with a different reference numberYes"You have already placed this order"
328200Some mandatory field in the POST data might be missing.Check for missing fields that are supposed to be there in the data and retryNo"Invalid POST data"
329200The connection to the carrier's API timed out.Need to retry after waiting for a while, or get in touch with Clickpost support or the carrier support.No"Courier Partner API timeout"
351200The account name of the carrier account given in the account_code field does not exist for the enterprise user.The user needs to check either/all of the things below if they are correct
- Enterprise license key in the URL params
- Carrier ID in the courier_partner field.
- Account name in the account_code field, and whether this account exists for this carrier.

Re-attempt the order after correcting any of the incorrect details mentioned above.
No"Clickpost Account: Does not exist"
352200There are multiple accounts of the same enterprise with the same carrier with the same name as the one in account_code field.No"Multiple account exists"
353200The account mentioned in the account_code field is inactive.Need to either enable the account on the dashboard from the enterprise's end, or use an active account.No"Clickpost Account: Inactive"
354200There is an unhandled error from the carrier's end.The error is typically visible in the status message and can be fixed accordingly. In case of vague error messages, get in touch with the support teamNo"Unhandled error! Contact [email protected]" or the actual error
355200In certain couriers the vendor_code field is required. This error pops up whenever vendor_code is not passed in the payloadNeed to pass the vendor_code field alongwith a registered vendor code.No"Vendor code not found"
400200There is an issue with the payload, or some invalid data is being sent in the request.Need to fix the issues in the payload as mentioned in the status message. If "Bad Request" pops up, get in touch with the support team.No"Bad Request" or the actual error
500200There is an error in Clickpost's servers.Need to wait a while and try again. If this error pops up even after multiple tries, get in touch with the support team.No"Oops! Internal server error in Clickpost"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!