Customer Feedback

This API enables customers to retrieve feedback from end-users in case of failure of delivery of any shipment. Users can update their preferred location of delivery at Clickpost Tracking Page, and those changes are retrieved by this API.

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The sample response can have the following fields

Field NameData TypeDescription
metaObjectMetadata for the result, e.g. status code, error messages.
resultList of ObjectsA list of objects, each denoting a feedback provided by the user.

Response Meta

Field NameData TypeDescription
statusIntegerStatus code of the response (including, but not limited to HTTP Status codes)
messageStringError message (if any errors) for the request.
successBooleanWhether the request is successful or not.

Response Result Object

Each object in the result list may consist of the following fields.

Field NameData TypeDescription
typeStringType of NDR feedback received. Can be either CLIENT_OPS_FEED or CUSTOMER_FEED
awbStringAWB of the order for which NDR feedback is provided
addressString/NullAddress of delivery, updated by the user at the tracking page
landmarkString/NullLandmark of the address of delivery, updated by the user at the tracking page
drop_pincodeString/NullPincode of delivery address, updated by the user at the tracking page
preferred_dateString/NullPreferred date of delivery of the order (in YYYY-MM-DD format if not null)
preferred_timeString/NullPreferred time of delivery of the order (in HH:MM:SS format if not null)
phoneString/NullPhone number for delivery, updated at the tracking page
commentString/NullComment about the change of order by the user, updated at the tracking page
created_atStringTimestamp when the user requested the change of the above details (in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format)
clickpost_status_codeIntegerStatus code of the shipment when the end-user entered the feedback
api_data_pushBoolean/NullWhether the updated data has been pushed to the carrier partner APIs via Clickpost's API or not. Can take 3 values based on the course of action:

- null: There was no attempt to push data from Clickpost's end,

- true: The updated data was successfully pushed to the carrier partner APIs

- false: There was an attempt to push data, but it failed.
clickpost_status_descriptionStringBrief description of the status of the shipment when the end-user entered the feedback.
is_rejectedBoolean/NullWhether customer has rejected the shipment
reference_numberStringReference number of the shipment
additionalObjectAdditional feedback related to steps taken internally by CST

Response Result - 'additional' Field

Field NameData TypeDescription
internal_usernameStringThe login username agent has used to retrieve feedback
internal_cst_respondedBooleanWhether customer support team of the enterprise has taken any action regarding the shipment
internal_commentStringComments added by CST regarding the shipment
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!