Fetch Audit Logs

Fetch Audit Logs API helps you to fetch the activity logs on actions performed by various users for your account on Clickpost. API gives all the activity logs performed for an hour together in the API response

Important Links

Run in Postman API Guide


meta [meta parameters]

Field NameData TypeDescription
successBooleanIndicates the success of the API request
messageStringSUCCESS in case request was successfully processed by Clickpost, else returns error message.
statusHTTP CodeThe HTTP response status code of the API request

result [result parameters]

Field NameData TypeDescription
ip_addressStringIP address from where activity happened
service_typeStringClickpost links each action to different service in the system. Current service types are

[There can be more services that are added in future]:

1. User Login: via SSO

2. User Login: via

3. Username/Password

4. Dashboard Report: Download

5. Create Subuser

6. Update Subuser

7. Carrier Settings: Active/Inactive
log_uuidnumClickpost log ID for the activity [internal to Clickpost]
usernamestringuser that performed the action
user_emailstringemail of user that performed the action
payloadstringany payload received in the system from Dashboard to perform the required action
created_atstringtime in UTC when the action was taken
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!